Is there a parent who hasn't dreamt of a peaceful night's sleep?

Or worried about how a child will cope with an unkind friend, a new teacher, a move to a new home?

At WTBA we collect thoughts, ideas, research and of course books that address those universal concerns and the dreams that go with them. Things like sleep and emotional resilience as well as embracing diversity, healthy lifestyles, coping with anger and more: the sorts of things that occupy the head space of parents, grandparents, educators and, hopefully, policy makers.

Our great hope is that this will be a place to share wisdom. We hope you’ll share your tips as well as your questions - perhaps you have found a way to soothe an angry child that works every time, or perhaps you’re hoping someone else has. There’s a comments link at the end of each of our posts, and of course you can always email us or connect via facebook or instagram. (We’re on pinterest too, but not doing much on twitter for the time being.

Please have a look around – we’d love to hear from you in any comments at all. xx