complex, moral, metaphorical reasoning tied up in an hilariously funny story!

complex, moral, metaphorical reasoning tied up in an hilariously funny story!

ages newborn to adult
A board-book all time favourite that invites complex, moral, metaphorical reasoning—and makes you laugh! About a unique relationship between a boy and a duck—is it exploitative or is it synergistic? 

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freedom of speech in the shape of storytelling changes lives

freedom of speech in the shape of storytelling changes lives

Writers are still imprisoned for the very act of telling stories; sometimes factual stories, sometimes fiction. This is the telling of their collective story – and of the people they write for. Beautiful, thought provoking and inspiring.
ages 6 years to adult

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an exploration of what it means to be a friend—for good or ill

an exploration of what it means to be a friend—for good or ill

ages 4 to 12 years
Friendships are seldom perfect, especially when the friends are new to forming and maintaining relationships outside their immediate family. Purdy (the cat) and Barker (the dog) have a solid but anguished sort of friendship. It’s the sort of friendship that will be instantly recognisable to many kids and their parents (or teachers)...

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integrity, kindness and creativity can change the world

integrity, kindness and creativity can change the world

ages baby to 8 years
I lent this book to my children’s school and it disappeared for a week or two. I shouldn’t have worried – it came back to me with a new plastic cover, making it one of our most carefully preserved books! Here's how it goes:

Annabelle lives in a cold and colourless little town, but one day she finds a box of yarn of all sorts of colours. So she knits herself a sweater. Then, since there is ‘extra yarn’, she knits her dog a sweater.

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sobering and ponderous and breathtaking

sobering and ponderous and breathtaking

ages 8 years and up
This is a truly remarkable book – the sort that makes you gasp and know that it needs to be in your house, on your table and hopefully in the hearts of your family. It’s a refugee story and perhaps a Christmas fable - there’s a mother and a baby, a father and a donkey. 

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