an exploration of what it means to be a friend—for good or ill

an exploration of what it means to be a friend—for good or ill

ages 4 to 12 years
Friendships are seldom perfect, especially when the friends are new to forming and maintaining relationships outside their immediate family. Purdy (the cat) and Barker (the dog) have a solid but anguished sort of friendship. It’s the sort of friendship that will be instantly recognisable to many kids and their parents (or teachers)...

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turning grumpiness around and helping friends feel better too

turning grumpiness around and helping friends feel better too

Grumpy feelings don't need to last all day - a cheerful gift, a bit of sharing, and giving to a friend help the animals in this story to get over their grumpy starts to the day.
ages 0 to about 6 years

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friends don’t need to be the same to be valued and loved

friends don’t need to be the same to be valued and loved

A funny and opinionated duck struggles to work out why a friend doesn’t look or act the same as other ducks. (It’s because the friend is a goat!)  Great for talking about valuing differences.

ages newborn to 8 years / heartwarmerss.t.e.m.

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