Blossom Possum: the sky is falling down under - iconically Australian

Blossom Possum: the sky is falling down under - iconically Australian

Blossum Possum is the first alarmist to believe the sky is falling and she decides to tell the Prime Minister. There's danger and suspense along the way but each character oozes personality and attitude.
ages baby to 8 years 

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COUNT-A-SAURUS : a simple and short counting book

COUNT-A-SAURUS : a simple and short counting book

Age guide: baby to early childhood
Perfect for young dinosaur lovers. There does seem to come a time in every child's life when dinosaurs are endlessly fascinating. This is a simple and short counting book - "One Stegosaurus standing in the sun. Two Compsognathus always on the run." - and so on.

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