5 books that comfort and prepare for a move away from much-loved people and places

5 books that comfort and prepare for a move away from much-loved people and places

ages 3 to around 8 years
Change in any form can be hard (not just for children!) but moving to somewhere new and leaving people you love can be particularly difficult for little ones. Our move to Tasmania is happening next week...

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a lovely book for kids going through 'hard to find friends' times

a lovely book for kids going through 'hard to find friends' times

ages 2 to 8 years
Do your little ones have imaginary friends? Some of mine did. It was cute to hear them chatting away to someone invisible—less cute when I once had to wait in the rain because an imaginary friend called Minga had to get in the car first and then took her own sweet time about buckling up her seatbelt! There are lots of good reasons to enjoy the imaginary friend stage, one being...

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a profound exploration of death and the intertwining of grief and joy

a profound exploration of death and the intertwining of grief and joy

ages 6 years to adult
Because grief, when it visits, consumes us and seems to blanket all the world in sadness, our inclination is to shield children from its depths, or to show them how to escape as quickly as possible. It’s a strange, if quintessentially human, response. Our great love for the children we care about motivates us but 

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intergenerational love and the Orcas of Canada - a tale to prompt one's own family storytelling

intergenerational love and the Orcas of Canada - a tale to prompt one's own family storytelling

Set in Canada, Waiting for the Whales makes a really nice stepping stone to family storytelling. It’s about a grandfather living a simple life of gardening and watching the seasons. It's a picture book to prompt one's own family stories – leading easily to thoughts, memories and 'after' conversations.
ages 4 to 12 years

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one book each—2 books that help us know and feel what it is to be a refugee

one book each—2 books that help us know and feel what it is to be a refugee

One book each (adult and child) to help us know and feel what it is to be a refugee: certain that there was no choice but to leave, yet living a life devoid of sureness. Both are beautiful to look at, both tell personal stories respectfully and without compromise.

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creating, caring and letting go - of a planet!

creating, caring and letting go - of a planet!

ages 2 to 8 years
Even when you create and care for a planet, you still need to let it go. Planets are meant to be with the stars after all. But there's still joy and growth along the way and, in the end, you might find something else to create.

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a tender and gentle look at grief and recovering joyfully

a tender and gentle look at grief and recovering joyfully

ages 2 to 12 years
Books that offer positive mechanisms for coping with grief that aren’t overly sad or far too heavy thematically for young children are thin on the ground, but this is one. And it's a rare child whose life remains untouched by grief, traumatic or simple. 

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