determination and imagination will get you there in the end—just maybe not where you expected!

determination and imagination will get you there in the end—just maybe not where you expected!

When you’re a worm on a mission to get to an apple, you need determination and imagination – and you need to be a go-with-the-flow sort of worm. There’s a great punchline in this book and easy to ‘read’ pictures too.
ages newborn to 8 years

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drawing out the beating heart of cities + regions around the world

drawing out the beating heart of cities + regions around the world

ages 2 years to adult (a beautiful gift or coffee table book)
What does your home have lots of? Cars, cheese, Atlantic puffins? Lots beautifully illustrates cities and regions around the world, showing what they have lots of.

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an exploration of what it means to be a friend—for good or ill

an exploration of what it means to be a friend—for good or ill

ages 4 to 12 years
Friendships are seldom perfect, especially when the friends are new to forming and maintaining relationships outside their immediate family. Purdy (the cat) and Barker (the dog) have a solid but anguished sort of friendship. It’s the sort of friendship that will be instantly recognisable to many kids and their parents (or teachers)...

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one book each—2 books that help us know and feel what it is to be a refugee

one book each—2 books that help us know and feel what it is to be a refugee

One book each (adult and child) to help us know and feel what it is to be a refugee: certain that there was no choice but to leave, yet living a life devoid of sureness. Both are beautiful to look at, both tell personal stories respectfully and without compromise.

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creating, caring and letting go - of a planet!

creating, caring and letting go - of a planet!

ages 2 to 8 years
Even when you create and care for a planet, you still need to let it go. Planets are meant to be with the stars after all. But there's still joy and growth along the way and, in the end, you might find something else to create.

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