deliciousness for lunch, especially if you're trying to eat plant-based (like me)


Predictably, I’ve bought a few of the books that were on my Mother’s Day wish list. That was a good list (!) they're all turning out to be spectacular. Especially this one. I’ve cooked maybe a dozen recipes from it so far and they’ve all been perfect.

Here's my favourite (I’ve fiddled a little with it—as you do—but you can read the original by clicking on the pic):


1 tablespoon olive oil

1/8 teaspoon red pepper flakes

1 regular can butter beans, rinsed, drained and patted dry

2 cloves garlic, roughly chopped

1.5 cups kale, stems discarded, torn into pieces

sea salt flakes and freshly ground black pepper

2-3 tablespoons frozen lemon juice

Heat a pan, add the oil, then add garlic and pepper flakes. Cook for a minute or two till the garlic is soft or brown, either way is good. Tip in the beans and shake the pan to spread them out, cook till browned on one side then stir them around and brown most of the other sides.

Add the frozen lemon juice and the kale. Stir around a bit. Cover with a lid and leave till kale has softened. Sprinkle over some sea salt and black pepper.

Divide between two plates—or one if you’re hungry.

The original recipe has less lemon juice and more oil—I’m trying to limit oil and cut out all animal products since Forks Over Knives and What the Health on Netflix scared the living daylights out of me. (But if you’re not as easily scared, a bit of Parmesan per the original recipe is delicious.)

Seriously, this cookbook is full of great recipes and really worth buying. (Note, it's not exclusively vegan or vegetarian but easy to adapt.)

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by Andrea Bemis – Harper Wave, 2017
food | cookbooks