a funny, creative take on REALLY BIG adventures—they're not always what they seem!


by Kristina Stephenson – Egmont UK Limited, 2007
ages 4 to 10 years / picture books, funnyimagination

Sometimes we just need an adventure, where we get to try new things, see new places, learn, grow and test our limits. Mostly our adventures are quite small and close to home, but sometimes they're really BIG, taking us to far-off places and distant lands.

Sir Charlie Stinky Socks is a bold brave Knight and one day he decides that it’s time for a really BIG adventure. So with his faithful sidekick (his cat Envelope), his trusty sword and his good grey mare, he sets off. Over the hills and far away:

“And with a song in his heart he mounted his good grey mare.

Over the hills and far away rode Sir Charlie and his cat. (Oh, and the wily witch with a watch followed behind on her broom.)

At last they came to a deep, dark forest, where monstrous trees groaned and terrible beasties moaned.”

On his BIG adventure Sir Charlie faces all kinds of trouble, slobbering beasties, wiggly woos, a fire breathing dragon and a damsel in distress—but Sir Charlie is no ordinary Knight, and things are not always what they seem!

This is a great book for talking about perspective and what we see vs what’s really happening. It's funny, creative and perfect for all brave (and not so brave) adventurers.

There are lots more books in the Sir Charlie Sticky Socks series, they're all full of detail and so much fun to read with littlies.

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Names in this book – Charlie