just for fun—hand shadows made easy!

Did you see this gorgeous hand shadow video from a few years ago? If you’re like us and need a bit of help in the creativity department, here are a couple of books with instructions to help you out.

AN ALPHABET IN SILHOUETTE by Natalie Jarvis (Also a great present for a baby you love – nice clear black and white silhouettes.)

AN ALPHABET IN SILHOUETTE by Natalie Jarvis (Also a great present for a baby you love – nice clear black and white silhouettes.)

THE ART OF HAND SHADOWS by Albert Almoznino (There are lots of hand shadow books around but we have this one and it’s pretty easy to replicate the hand shadows successfully.)

THE ART OF HAND SHADOWS by Albert Almoznino (There are lots of hand shadow books around but we have this one and it’s pretty easy to replicate the hand shadows successfully.)

Age guide: baby to about 8 years old, but The Art of Hand Shadows will definitely get the whole family going!

Also, if that's put you in a Louis Armstrong mood, here's a favourite of mine, you might like it too: