6 books with just a bit of thrill for very young readers

My junior kindy kids love these three bear-books!

We found one of them in a bookshelf at kindy and I raided the bookshelves at home for the others. (The big appeal is that they're ‘scary bear’ books.) And then, because bears became so popular, I went on the hunt for more (They’re not all scary, but they are all great!):

Reading books like these is so important. They're heartwarming, funny and stimulating to the imagination, and they allow children to encounter a range of emotions in a controlled environment with people they know—‘scared’ is one that they don't come across too often.

As children experience different emotions it becomes easier for them to empathise with others and the emotions they might be feeling*—and that's where these 'scary bear' books come in. They're relatable and fun and reading them aloud allows the child or children to safely experience fear. Which helps them to deal with real-life situational fear. 

So it's great that my junior kindy kids love the 'scary bear' books. I do too, they're hilariously funny for the 2 to 5-year-old psyche and definitely good for cuddles! 

P.S. The Three Bears Sort Of is a fractured fairytale— for kids of all ages.

P.P.S.  Night Night Cuddly Bear seems to be out of print. Maybe you can find it at a library or second-hand—worth the effort, it’s such a hit in my junior kindy room that I can recite it from memory!

* Early Years Learning Framework LOC 1.2 and 1.4