our really great (new-ish) Christmas Eve tradition—choosing, giving and opening books!

Our family is still young and we don’t have a lot of traditions yet, but one that we borrowed from Kim when Alec and I were newly married is giving and opening books on Christmas Eve.

Kim and I get the job (joy really) of choosing the books for our families, and we hide them away till the night. But those choices are sometimes pretty difficult! Here's what I've bought for this year—I think I did well.

I know, no prizes for guessing who gets what in that lot! Or for guessing what we have planned over the Christmas break! Kim and family will be here and there'll be lots of outdoors-ing going on.

Personally, I can't wait to read Backyard Self-sufficiency. I love Jackie French and have heard great things about it. And I'm excited about the two littlies' books (they're going to be so delighted).

Ivy's getting The Journey HomeWild and Woolly dig a hole so big they fall through to the North Pole, and it’s quite the journey home. This was one of my favourite books growing up and I’m so looking forward to sharing it with her (see Kim's review here). 

For Angus, a board book—Moo. It's a sweet rhyming book of animal sounds, perfect for our little animal lover. 

And the others are for Alec but we'll all benefit and enjoy. Meat Eater is essentially a book of hunting stories that covers lots more—from camping to cooking wild and taking responsibility for what you consume. Free-Camping will be great for planning our camping trips for 2018.

Maybe there's something there that you'll like too but, either way, I can totally recommend the Christmas Eve giving and opening of books. It's a wonderful way to spend the evening before Christmas day. Our family has started counting down, the Advent Calendar is up and decorations on their way.

This will be my last post for the year, I'm a little sad about that, but looking forward to coming back with lots of craft and reviews next year. I hope you have a lovely break, see you in 2018!

xo Samantha

The books are individually linked to Book Depository where possible—they have great prices and free postage anywhere in the world—but Amazon might be cheaper for North American readers.