bouncing balloons, fizzing sidewalk paint, milk explosions—3 down, 98 to go. We LOVE this activities book!


As you can probably tell from some of my other posts, we LOVE making/creating/experimenting at home. Besides being great fun, our crafty times educate, strengthen relationships and encourage communication and vocabulary—plus they're great for fine motor skills.

I’m always on the lookout for new inspiration and, although there are millions of activities on offer on the internet, I prefer to use books. Their quality is very high and the activities seem to be a cut above the rest.

And they're accessible—I can take books anywhere, we can look through them together, or the kids can pick them up and look for ideas on their own. While I washed the dishes the other day, Ivy (four-years-old) spent 10 minutes looking though 101 Kids Activities trying to decide what experiment she wanted to do when I was done. Here's her choice-of-the-day—fizzing sidewalk paint:

We really love 101 Kids Activities, it's chock full of boredom busters, crafts, games and simple science—there's no end of inspiration. And we absolutely want to try all 101 of them! So far we've made Bouncing Balloons, Fizzing Sidewalk Paint and Milk Explosions; all great fun. 

I highly and happily recommend this book!

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Book Depository has free postage anywhere in the world and great pricing, but Amazon might be cheaper for North American readers.

by Holly Homer & Rachel Miller – Page Street Publishing Co., 2014
ages 3 to 12 years  / craft, imagination, s.t.e.m.

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