My Dad Snores: I’m sure yours does too!

My Dad Snores: I’m sure yours does too!

Every road trip my family went on when I was young was accompanied by John Williamson songs; all of us singing away is a core childhood memory. It’s a tradition we happily continue with our own kids.

I was so excited when I saw that one of my favourite (and most relatable) songs My Dad Snores has been made into a picture book.

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What's Your Favorite Bug?: inspiring a love of art and reading

What's Your Favorite Bug?: inspiring a love of art and reading

When I think of picture books my thoughts always go to the story, which is funny considering we call them ‘picture’ books. But the artwork has a huge impact on our emotions and impressions when reading a picture book, adding depth and feeling. Talking about the artwork is so useful for developing emotional intelligence

ages 2 to 10

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24 cool things-to-do that work your brain at any age

24 cool things-to-do that work your brain at any age

Fun is ambiguous don’t you think?  One person’s fun is another person’s special agony (I’ve heard there are people who really enjoy cleaning the oven—never met one, just heard), but most of us find that there’s nothing quite as fun as giving our brain a workout ... here's a collection of things-to-do that work your brain at any age—with links to books to cement, inspire and connect that wonderful work.

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