a very funny look at the importance of individuals and communities

a very funny look at the importance of individuals and communities

ages 2 to 8 years
Here’s a brilliantly engaging and amusing story about 71 sheep, a ball of wool, and a wolf. With a superbly developed sense of the absurd, the storyline follows the sheep and their attempt to play a game of soccer: The sheep count themselves and realise that with 71 of them, they have the perfect number for a game of soccer!

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complex, moral, metaphorical reasoning tied up in an hilariously funny story!

complex, moral, metaphorical reasoning tied up in an hilariously funny story!

ages newborn to adult
A board-book all time favourite that invites complex, moral, metaphorical reasoning—and makes you laugh! About a unique relationship between a boy and a duck—is it exploitative or is it synergistic? 

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a graphic portrayal of what it is to feel alone, and what it is to heal

a graphic portrayal of what it is to feel alone, and what it is to heal

A poignant look at living with the demons of anxiety and profound unhappiness. Small things lead to the demons that beset a young man, and small things lead to overcoming them. A lovely meditation on the impact small things can have.
ages 10 years to adult

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the freedom to create brings a peace that binds generations & lifts troubled hearts

the freedom to create brings a peace that binds generations & lifts troubled hearts

all ages (esp. adults)
Playing from the Heart speaks especially to parents and adult children as it succinctly examines the relationship of a father and son. It's beautiful, inspiring and heartwarming.

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integrity, kindness and creativity can change the world

integrity, kindness and creativity can change the world

ages baby to 8 years
I lent this book to my children’s school and it disappeared for a week or two. I shouldn’t have worried – it came back to me with a new plastic cover, making it one of our most carefully preserved books! Here's how it goes:

Annabelle lives in a cold and colourless little town, but one day she finds a box of yarn of all sorts of colours. So she knits herself a sweater. Then, since there is ‘extra yarn’, she knits her dog a sweater.

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