about exemplary women and men

about exemplary women and men

ages 4 to 12 years
I confess that I'm not a big fan of the whole hero culture that we seem to have going. Too often the ‘heroes’ aren’t heroic and are anything but role model material. But Peaceful Heroes is a collection of super-short biographies of people who have impacted the world positively and peacefully. 

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an ode to the importance of hope amidst despair

an ode to the importance of hope amidst despair

ages about 8 to grownup
The dreadful realities of history include events and times like the Cultural Revolution in China. Times that test the limits of our imaginations and our resolve. The Red Piano is a beautifully told story that takes us into the life of a young girl living through the Cultural Revolution. 

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for feminist girls and women and boys and men

for feminist girls and women and boys and men

Every once in a while, we each need something to jolt us out of the everyday and remind us that we each have it in us to do and be great. Amazing Babes does that - it's a book that's lovely to touch and to feel, beautiful to look at and simply inspiring to read. 
ages 0 to >100 years

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tremendous hope permeates this important story

tremendous hope permeates this important story

Using an imagined conversation between God and Harriet Tubman, this book tells the true story of how Harriet found her way to freedom from slavery - and how she helped so many others to do the same. It’s just lovely to settle into and let the words and pictures swirl about as they do a very important work. 
ages 4 to grownup

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empathy, responsibility and trust can change the world

empathy, responsibility and trust can change the world

ages 4 years to grownup
It is not always in our most shining moments that our hearts are changed—sometimes it is in moments of despair or desperation. A young girl's heart is changed in this beautiful story. It's stunning and perfect!

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how ordinary people doing good things led to powerful, enduring wartime bonds

how ordinary people doing good things led to powerful, enduring wartime bonds

ages 4 years to grownup

"They didn't even know us," said Adele. "But they died trying to help us."
Henri thought of his new soldier friends.

Do Not Forget Australia tells a true story through the eyes of a young, fictional French boy, Henri. His village, Villers-Breetonneux, was all but destroyed by the first ever tank battle between the British and the Germans. The Germans won, but Australian brigades followed the British and won the town (on 25 April, 1918 – Anzac Day). 

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The Librarian of Basra: the value of culture - and one woman's great courage

The Librarian of Basra: the value of culture - and one woman's great courage

Set in Iraq. The true story of Alia Muhammad Baker - a middle aged Iraqi woman living in the town of Basra and working as a librarian. Alia knew that war was coming to Basra and she knew that war brings fire which would likely destroy the precious books. This is the remarkable and impressive story of her work to save them.
ages 4 years to grownup

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