about the incredible privilege it is to have water readily available

about the incredible privilege it is to have water readily available

all ages, newborn to grownup
This book is a collection of photos from National Geographic that show people collecting and drinking water. Every photo is respectful of both the subjects and of water generally. There are no photos of water being wasted or even used recreationally. Wonderful for children, but adults will also enjoy very much enjoy it.

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a tender and insightful reminder to notice the wonderful music of life

a tender and insightful reminder to notice the wonderful music of life

ages baby to grownup
Which moments in life matter to you? A new Baby? Learning to ride a bike? An evening under a night sky sequinned with stars? A restless night spent worrying? In moments like these, The Flying Orchestra comes to town.

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simply a lovely book to read, full of subtle teaching moments

simply a lovely book to read, full of subtle teaching moments

After World War II – as indeed after every war – there was a period of terrible poverty in the directly affected areas. And a terrible lack of consumer goods. In this story, a young girl, Anna, is in need of a new coat, in post-war Europe!
ages 2 to 8 years

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for feminist girls and women and boys and men

for feminist girls and women and boys and men

Every once in a while, we each need something to jolt us out of the everyday and remind us that we each have it in us to do and be great. Amazing Babes does that - it's a book that's lovely to touch and to feel, beautiful to look at and simply inspiring to read. 
ages 0 to >100 years

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