My Two Blankets: the transforming power of friendship

My Two Blankets: the transforming power of friendship

My Two Blankets is a charming story about a young girl who ‘came to this country to be safe’ and the way she was able to reclaim a safe, happy and loved childhood. Positive, enlightening, it engages on many, many fronts.

ages early childhood to teen

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a life that reminds us how beautiful the world is and how valuable we all are

a life that reminds us how beautiful the world is and how valuable we all are

ages 4 years to grownups
A charming and incredibly pretty book about a woman who commits as a child to go to faraway places, live beside the sea and do something to make the world more beautiful. It's loved and used a lot by teachers, with good reason. It does a lot of work! 

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The Matchbox Diary: a warm and engaging story of keepsakes and family history

The Matchbox Diary: a warm and engaging story of keepsakes and family history

ages 4 to 10 years
Set in USA—there was a time when matchboxes were ubiquitous, now there are probably children who will need the concept of a matchbox explained or shown to them. But once that’s done, I suspect many children will want to start their own matchbox diary – and adults too.

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